Friday, June 5, 2009

Visiting Buchenwald, Obama speaks of the lessons of evil -

Visiting Buchenwald, Obama speaks of the lessons of evil -

In the middle of this series of somber speeches by our President, the German leader and Holocaust survivors runs an insanely inappropriate commercial. This jingle of a dancing white woman and then a African American, is in the midst of the descriptions of horror and death. Surely CNN is not condoning a happy dance on the graves of these honored victims of the Holocaust? I can only hope that this is a programming error on the part of CNN and not some intentional harm. Is everything on autopilot to the point where we have no respect for the dead? That such and error could happen by oversight is in itself a disgrace. Why does every bit have to be interrupted by commercial? Certainly an occasional memorial service sans commercial would not hurt the bottom line. May we never be so impoverished! Raise the bar just a little higher CNN; you know you can do better!